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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

General John Beatty, John Doughty, Colonel E. Beatty, Majors Samuel Shute, William Shute, Jeremiah Ballard and John Kinney.

Delegates to the General Society

General J. Dayton, General Bloomfield, General Beatty, General Cummings, Colonel Ogden.

Hereditary Members

The Standing Committee are of opinion that the certificate from the New York State Society accompanying John F. Vasher‘s letter are satisfactory to them for his admission as a member of our Society and do recommend that he be admitted. Agreed to.


The Standing Committee reported that they find in the hands of the Treasurer, the sum of $300 in eight per cent. ; the sum of $7,546.83 in nominal six per cent., and the sum of $9.98 in three per cent, stock. They also find in his hands a certificate for the sum of $397.66, nominal six per cent, stock, being the proceeds of the sum reported at the last meeting to be in the hands of Maj. McEwen, of Philadelphia. They further find a certificate of $492.22 nominal six per cent, stock in his hands being the proceeds of $400, principal and interest received by the Treasurer, since the last report making in the whole the sum of $300 eight per cent.; $8,436.71 six per cent, nominal, and $9.98 three per cent, stock.

The Treasurer has expended since the report of the Committee at the last meeting, the sum of $152.66, and the sum of $197.57 in cash, inclusive of the $20 returned by Maj. Shute into the Treasury by order of the Society at their last meeting now remains in his hands.

Ordered, That the President sign a warrant in favor of Gov. Bloomfield for $5 for the payment of a box to contain the records of the Society.

Ordered, That a warrant be signed by the President for $24 in favor of Abraham Brown for transcribing the minutes of the Society from July 4, 1797 to July 4, 1 801, inclusive.


The Standing Committee reported that the circumstances of John Fleming, late a soldier in the second New Jersey regiment, as certified by Doctor Ebenezer Elmer and Joseph Clunn do not properly come within the attention of the Society. The Committee further reported that the widow of Capt. Lieut. Parker cannot with propriety make any claim whatsoever upon the Society of this State, her late husband having contributed to the funds in the State of Massachusetts and having never become a member of this State Society.

The Committee beg leave to mention that the application in behalf of Lieut. Stout’s two daughters is inadmissible as the application does not come from Lieut. Stout nor any person within the knowledge of your Committee.


The minutes of the last meeting were read.

Resolved, That in honor of the memory of our deceased friends and brethren, the late Governor Richard Howell, Capt. William Barton and Capt. Absalom Martin, this Society wear crape on the left arm for thirty days.

The Society attended the delivery of the annual oration by the Rev. Mr. Hunter.

Resolved, that the following names, viz: Jeremiah Bruen, Major; Daniel Baldwin, Captain, and Abraham Kinney, Lieutenant, be stricken off the list of this Society as they have neglected to comply with an essential condition of becoming members of it unless they shall within six months satisfactorily show to the President or Vice-President that they have made the deposit of a month’s pay with interest in the funds either of this or some other State Society.