Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey
Standing Committee
L. Q. C. Elmer, Matthias Ogden, William Lloyd, James A. Pennington, Alexander C. Hyer. John McDowell, Jr., and J. L Beatty.
Delegates to the General Society
Colonel Scott, George C. Thomas, Robert D. Spencer.
Hereditary Members
Edward Ford made application to be admitted as a member of this Society, in right of his father the late Washington Ford, who was the son of Mahlon Ford, deceased, an original member of this Society.
A Committee was appointed to report at the next meeting of the Society.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of R. D. Spencer, Esq., Treasurer of the Society, and find the same to be correct. They also report that there is a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of $87.82.
The accounts of the Treasurer are as follows : He is charged with one year’s interest on the loan of the United States of $10,000, amounting to $600, which with the sum of $87.82, now in his hands makes the sum of $687.82 at the disposal of the Society.
The following disbursements have been made by the Treasurer under the orders of the Society:
By balance due the Treasurer at the last settlement
By cash paid for traveling expenses
For donations
For dinners
Balance in the hands of the Treasurer
They recommend the payment of the following expenses incurred at the last celebration at New Brunswick, $5 to the sexton and $3 for work done at the Church, and that the same be paid to Col. Scott.
They recommend that the sum of $1 be paid for the hall, in which the services were conducted this day.
The Standing Committee recommend that each of the following persons be paid the sum of $19:
Miss Thomas, Miss Stout, Miss Whitlock, Miss Sprowls. Miss Reckless, Miss Ogden, Miss Barber, Miss De Hart, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Kollock, Miss Butler, Mrs. M. R. C. Williamson, and Amelia G. C. Dayton (jointly) and Miss Sally Dayton. Recommendations adopted.
The President having announced to this Society the deaths of Mr. Robert H. Cumming and Mr. William Whitlock, it was Ordered, that the usual badge of mourning for them be worn for thirty days.
The Society, joined by a body of Citizens, then marched in procession to the Temperance Hall, when, after a prayer, and the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Mr. Francis Barber, an oration was delivered by Govr. Pennington.
The services being ended, the Society proceeded to their place of meeting and proceeded to business.
Resolved that the Secretary of this Society be directed to furnish to William V. Hurd, a statement certifying that it appears by the records of this Society, that he Is one of its members.
Resolved, that the thanks of this Society be presented to Govr. Pennington for the truly appropriate and eloquent address delivered by him this day before the Society; and that he be requested to deliver the same to the Secretary in order that it may be placed among the archives of the Society.