Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey
Standing Committee
Mr. Thomas, Mr. Bloomfield, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Barber, Mr. Reckless, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Pennington.
Delegates to the General Society
Colonel Scott, Messrs. Thomas and Bloomfield.
Hereditary Members
The Committee report in favor of the applications of Hon. L. Q. C. Elmer and John Buck, and for the consideration of the Society the cases of G. D. Baldwin and Mr. Burnet.
The Hon. Lucius Q. C. Elmer was admitted to membership in right of his deceased father, Gen. Ebenezer Elmer, and Mr. John Buck, also admitted in right of his father.
The application of Mr. G. D. Baldwin for admission to membership was referred to Capt. Dehart, Mr. Thomas and Gov. Pennington, and the case of a collateral successor to the late Capt. Joseph Burnet was referred to Gen. Wall, Mr. Elmer and Mr. Spencer.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer, and also the certificate of the Government of the United States, dated the 2d day of February, 1843, for $10,000, and find the same safe and untouched bearing an interest of six per cent.
They also report that the accounts of the Treasurer are correct and that a balance of $3.73 remains at this date due to the Treasurer.
The Committee further report that the amount of income for the year ending the 4th July, 1845, paid into the hands of the Treasurer was as follows:
One year’s interest on Bond of $10,000
Less the amount due the Treasurer the last settlement
Balance in the hands of the Treasurer
The following disbursements have been made by the Treasurer under the orders of the Society:
Cash paid for donations
” ” ” traveling expenses
” ” ” dinner
” ” ” Delegates to the General Society
” ” ” crape
” ” ” expenses at church
” ” ” balance dinner bill, 1843
Resolved, That the allowance to members for traveling- expenses be reduced to ten cents per mile, which was referred to Capt. De Hart, Mr. Bloomfield and Mr. Spencer.
The Standing Committee recommend that each of the following persons receive the sum of $20, viz.:
Miss Thomas, Wm. Whitlock, Miss Stout, Miss Sprouls, Miss Reckless, Miss Ogden, Mrs. Barber, Miss De Hart, Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Patton, and Mrs. Bayard. Recommendations adopted.
The Society, joined by the Citizens and escorted by the Military, marched in procession to the Court House, when after prayer by the Revd. Mr. Hall and the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Col. Scott, an oration was delivered by Bishop Doane.
The exercises being ended, the Society returned to their place of meeting and proceeded to business.
Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be presented to the orator for his oration, and that he be requested to furnish a copy to be deposited in our archives.
Resolved, that the Society of the Cincinnati have felt highly gratified with the kind and courteous attentions offered them here, and do therefore present to the gentlemen of the Committee of Arrangements for the day and through them to the Citizens of Trenton, their warmest acknowledgments for the same.
The following resolutions of the General Society of the Cincinnati, adopted at its meeting at Philadelphia in November last, were communicated by its Secretary, viz:
Resolved, that the Secretary General be directed to address a circular to the dififerent State Societies, recommending that a general celebration by the several State Societies shall be held at New York on the 25th day of November, 1845. That the dififerent Societies be requested to signify their assent or dissent from this recommendation and also to designate the number of members that will be present from each Society.
Resolved, that on the acquiesence of all or such a number of the State Societies as may make such celebration desirable, the officers of the General Society be authorized to make such arrangements for the celebration as they may consider appropriate.
These resolutions having been read, the Society unanimously acceded to the proposition for a general celebration in New York, and resolved to attend in a body.