The Committee report that numerous applications have been made to the Standing Committee for Membership, but as the facts and rights of the applicants are doubtful the Committee would recommend that a Special Committee be appointed to investigate these claims and to report to the next meeting of the Society.
The applications for admission to membership were referred to Messrs. Thomas, Ogden and Spencer.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and also the certificate of the Government of the United States, dated the 2d February, 1843, for $10,000, and find the same safe and untouched bearing an interest of six per cent.
They also report that the accounts of the Treasurer are correct and that a balance of $3.73 remained due the Treasurer at the last settlement, and there is now due the Treasurer, $10.15 on disbursements for the year 1845. The Committee further report that the amount of income for the year ending the 4th of July, 1845, paid into the hands of the Treasurer was as follows:
One year’s interest on the Bond of $10,000
Less balance due in former settlement
The following disbursements have been made by the Treasurer under the orders of the Society:
Cash paid for donations
” ” ” traveling expenses of members
” ” to Wm. Snowden for dinner
” ” for expenses G. C. Thomas attending the General Society
Cash paid Jos. W. Scott
” ” W. C. De Hart (balance dinner bill, 1844)
” ” J. W. Wall (for music)
” ” J. Cook (carriage for orator)
Balance due the Treasurer
Resolved, That hereafter the expenses of the Society’s anniversary dinner is not to exceed $75, and that all guests are to be invited by the vote of the Society.
The Committee in relation to mileage reported in favor of continuing the present rate, but in no case to exceed the sum of $15.
The Standing Committee recommend that each of the following persons receive the sum of $23.
Miss Thomas, Wm. Whitlock, Miss Stout, Miss Sproules, Miss Reckless, Miss P. A. Ogden, Mrs. Mary Barber, Miss M. E. De Hart, Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. A. B. Patton, Mrs. C. Bayard and Mrs. H. Armstrong. Recommendations adopted.
The President announced to the Society the death of Genl. Elias B. Dayton. Whereupon it was Resolved, that the usual badge of mourning be worn for thirty days.
The Society, joined by the Citizens and escorted by the Military, marched in procession to the Third Presbyterian Church, when, after prayer by the Revd. Mr. Prime, and the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Dr. Goble (an appointment by the Citizens) an oration was delivered by Col. Scott.
The services in the church being ended, the Society returned to their place of meeting and proceeded to business.
Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be presented to the Orator for his oration, and that he be requested to furnish a copy to be deposited in our archives.
Resolved, that Mr. Elmer, Mr. Spencer and Capt. DeHart be a Committee to enquire respecting the papers, documents and books belonging to the Society, and report whether any, and what measures are proper to be taken for their better preservation.
Capt. DeHart and Mr. Elmer were appointed to report upon the repairs to the Standard.
The report was sustained by the Society.
Resolved, that hereafter the expense of the Society’s anniversary dinner is not to exceed $75, and that all guests are to be invited by the vote of the Society.