Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey
Standing Committee
Mr. Thomas, Mr. Bloomfield, Mr. Ogden, Colonel Scott, Mr. Barber, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. J. A. Pennington.
Delegates to the General Society
Governor Pennington, General Wall, Colonel Scott.
Honorary Members
A communication was received from Gov. Williamson, thanking the Society for the honor conferred in electing him an Honorary Member.
The Standing Gommittee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and also the certificate of the Government of the United States, dated 2d February, 1843, No. 109 for $10,000 and find the same safe and untouched, bearing an interest of six per cent., the certificate having been submitted to and examined by them. They also report that the accounts of the Treasurer are correct, and that a balance of $16.84 remained at this date to the Treasurer.
The Gommittee further report that the amount of income for the year ending the 4th July, 1842, paid into the hands of the Treasurer was as follows:
One year’s interest on Bond of $10,000
Six month’s interest on $250
Balance in the Treasurer’s hands
” due the Treasurer
The following disbursements have been made by the Treasurer under the orders of the Society:
Cash paid for donations
” traveling expenses
” for dinners
” for wine
” Delegate to the General Society
” for crape for the use of the members
” for a band of music
The Committee on the subject of changing the investment of the funds of the Society reported that they have attended to the duty assigned them, by withdrawing the funds from the New York Life & Trust Co. and investing the same in a Bond of the United States at six per cent. The principal sum received was $10,000, which was invested in a Bond of the United States, payable unto Garret D. Wall, Wm. Pennington and Robert D. Spencer for the Cincinnati Society of New Jersey upon their joint order, until the 4th day of July next, and from and after that time to such order or persons as the said Society of the Cincinnati shall designate by resolution duly certified by the President and Secretary for the said sum of $10,000. The interest was received in cash and paid over to the Treasurer. The report was in all things affirmed, the script for the investment being produced was by order of the Society placed in the hands of Robert D. Spencer, the Treasurer, whereupon the Committee were discharged with the thanks of the Society for their services.
Resolved, That Robert D. Spencer, Esq., Treasurer of the Society be designated as the person to receive in behalf of said Society, the interest due and owing upon the bond or certificate of the United States for $10,000, dated February 2, 1843.
The Standing Committee recommends that each of the following persons receive the sum of $23 each, viz:
Miss Thomas; Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Powers; Miss Stout; Miss Sprouls; Miss Reckless; Miss Ogden; Mrs. Barber; Miss De Hart; Mrs. Armstrong; Mrs. Hyer; Mrs. Lloyd; Mrs. Patton, and Mrs. Bayard. Recommendations adopted.
The following letter addressed to the President by the Hon. Garrett D. Wall was read to the Society:
Burlington, July 4, 1843.
Dear Sir:
Being prevented by the order of my Physician from attending your meeting this day, I wish to submit to the Society a proposition which will show that my heart is with you.
New Jersey is strewed with monuments of the Revolution, which must forever remind posterity of the deeds of our Revolutionary Fathers, but posterity has not fulfilled its duty to perpetuate as far as human labors can do, the noble deeds, which while they secured, illustrate our glorious Independence. The victory at Trenton stands foremost among the events of the Revolution. It may be considered the day spring of that event, breaking in the darkest night of gloom and despondency upon the patriots of the day. Does not gratitude, as well as that noble pride which springs from the recollection of glorious deeds —
“Bid us proclaim to deathless fame
Our fathers matchless daring.”
From whom can the initiatory step come so appropriately as the Society of Cincinnati? Is it not their duty to set the example of perpetuating by a Monument that glorious event? Are not the people of New Jersey ripe for it? Will not the proposition be hailed with a burst of patriotic enthusiasm? We have now peace, prosperity, then make the experiment.
The letter having been read, was referred for further consideration to a Committee, consisting of Genl. Wall, Gov. Pennington, Hon. Mahlon Dickerson, Col. Scott, Capt. DeHart and Mr. Spencer, with a request that they make report at the next meeting of the Society.