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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Colonel Scott, Captain DeHart, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Pennington, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Barber.

Delegates to the General Society

Governor Pennington, General Wall, Colonel Scott

By-Laws, Rules and Amendments

The resolution adopted by the Society of the Cincinnati at its regular meeting declaring that any Honorary Member who should be absent from the regular meeting of the Society twice in succession without assigning a sufficient reason for such absence, should thereby forfeit his membership was rescinded.

Hereditary Members

Mr. Walker was admitted to membership in right of his brother and Alex. C. Hyer in right of his father.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer, and also the duplicate of deposit of the New York Life & Trust Company and find that the funds of the Society, amounting to $10,000 are separate and untouched bearing an interest of five per cent, the certificate of deposit having been submitted to and examined by them.

They also report that the accounts of the Treasurer are correct, and that a balance of $85.71 remains in his hands. This balance i? unusually large and arises from the circumstances that the expenses of the Society at its last meeting were less than usual, and from the further circumstance that a premium of $14.91 was obtained by the Treasurer for the Society’s last annual draft, and that the donation of $20 voted to Mrs. Hendry remains unpaid. The Treasurer in whose hands it was left being unacquainted with the residence of Mrs. Hendry and not having been able to find her son in Philadelphia, to whom he has hitherto paid it.

The Committee further report that the amount of income for the year ending the 4th of July, 1841, paid into the hands of the Treasurer was as follows:

Interest on $10,000 at 5 per cent $500.00
Interest on $250 for 6 months 6.25
Total $506.25
Premium on Society’s draft as above 14.91
Total $521.16

And the following disbursements have been made by the Treasurer under the order of the Society :

Traveling expenses paid to members $142.20
Donations 220.00
To R. H. Gumming for crape 2.00
Donation to Aaron T. Walker 6.00
James Elwell for refreshments 30.00
Grieve & Jacob (for wines) 26.37
Advertising 4.00
Belt for Standard Bearer 2.87
Balance due Treasurer last settlement 2.00
” in Treasurer’s hands at this date 85.71
Total $521.16

The Committee recommend that the sum of $17 be paid to Jos. W. Scott, Esq., Vice-President, for attending the General Society of Gincinnati at Philadelphia. The sum of $2.00 to R. H. Gumming for crape to the members.


The Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive each the sum of $25 : Miss S. Thomas ; Mrs. Chandler, daughter of Col. Whitlock: Miss Stout; Miss Sprouls: Miss M. Reckless: Miss P. A. Ogden; Mrs. M. Barber; Miss M. E. De Hart; Mrs. H. Armstrong; Mrs. Hyer; Mrs. Lloyd, and Mrs. Patton. Recommendations adopted.


The Vice-President announced to the Society the death of Major Wm. Shute, late President of the Society, and the Hon. Samuel L. Southard, an honorary member, whereupon It was Resolved, that the usual badge of mourning be worn on the left arm for thirty days.

The Society, together with the Corporation and the Citizens, walked in procession to the Second Presbyterian Church, when, after prayer by the Revd. Mr. Magie and the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Mr. Spencer, an oration was delivered by Capt. W. C. DeHart. The exercises of the church being ended, the Society returned to their place of meeting and proceeded to business.

Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be presented to the orator for his oration and that he be requested to furnish a copy to be deposited in our archives.