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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Colonel Scott, Captain DeHart, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Pennington, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Barber.

Delegates to the General Society

Colonel Scott, General Wall, Governor Pennington.

Honorary Members

The Standing Committee presented the claim of General Dickerson for Honorary Membership.

Hereditary Members

The following names were presented for admission to membership: Aaron F. Walker, of Monmouth; J. W. Wall, of Burlington, and Samuel Allen, of Pennsylvania.

The Committee found difficulties in the way of deciding upon each, which made it necessary for them to postpone the subject to another period and the Committee unanimously resolved to recommend that a Committee of two be chosen by the Society, which shall receive and investigate the claims and pretentions of the above applicants and report the result of their examination at the next annual meeting of the Society.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer. They have also examined the certificate of deposit of the New York Life & Trust Company, and they find that the permanent fund of the Society amounting to $10,000 is safe and undiminished.

That the capital of ten thousand dollars bears an interest of five per cent, per annum payable every six months.

The Committee report that the amount of income for the year ending the 4th July, 1840, paid into the hands of the Treasurer was as follows:

Interest on $10,000 at 5 per cent $500.00
Interest on $250 for 6 months 6.25
Total $506.25

And the following disbursements have been made by the Treasurer under the order of the Society:

Traveling expenses paid to members $93.80

Donations 294.00
To W. Whitlock 6.00
” R. H. Cumming (for crape and expenses) 10.00
” Balance due the Treasurer at last settlement 4.45
” W. Snowden (for dinner) 100.00
Total $508.25

Which left due the Treasurer on the 4th of July,

1840 2.00
Total $506.25

Resolved, That the Treasurer pay to Mr. Walker six dollars for his expenses in attending this meeting of the Society.

Resolved, That hereafter the Treasurer for the time being of this Society be authorized to draw the interest, which may accrue from time to time on their funds deposited and now in the hands of the New York Life Insurance & Trust Company, and that his receipt for the same shall be a discharge to the said company therefor.


The Standing Committee recommend that each of the following receive the sum of $20: Miss Stout, Miss S. Thomas, Mrs. Chandler, daughter of Col. Whitlock; Miss Sprouls, Miss N. Reckless, Mrs. Hendry, Miss P. Ogden, Mrs. M. Barber, Miss M. E. De Hart, Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. H. Armstrong, Mrs. Hyer, widow of Wm. Hyer. Recommendations adopted.


The Vice-President announced to the Society the death of William Hyer, Esq. Whereupon it was Resolved, that the usual badge of mourning be worn on the left arm for thirty days.

The Pennsylvania Society by invitation, united with us and walked in procession to the Baptist Church, where, after a prayer by the Revd. Mr. Burroughs and the reading of the Declaration of Independence by the Hon. Mahlon Dickerson, an oration was delivered by Col. J. W. Scott.

The exercises in the church being ended, the Society returned to their place of meeting and proceeded to business.

Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be presented to Col. J. W. Scott for his oration, and that he be requested to furnish a copy to be deposited in our archives.