Generals Beatty and Giles, J. Dayton, Colonel Ogden, Majors Ballard and Shute, and Captain Tuttle.
General Giles, Colonel Ogden, Major Ballard.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find the permanent funds of the Society to consist of the sum of $10,000 in six per cent, stock of the United States.
One certificate for $400 drawing an interest of six per cent., dated 16th of December, 1812, being the amount of the surplus funds in his hands. That $7,600 of the above six per cent, has been obtained for the like sum of the Masonic Loan, exchanged agreeably to a resolution of the Society of the 4th July last, at a premium of $237.
The Committee further report that since the last settlement the Treasurer has received $651, which in addition to $455.67, balance of last year, makes the sum of $1,106.67, and that there was due on the first of July instant, the further sum of $156. The Treasurer has expended the sum of $892.75, leaving a balance of $213.92, which with the sum due as above on the first instant, places at the disposal of the Society the sum of $369.92.
Resolved, That inasmuch as the sum of $237, having been expended as a premium in the exchange of the permanent stock of the Society the Treasurer be authorized and directed to dispose of the surplus certificate of $400 in order to aid the appropriation for charitable purposes and the incidental expenses of the Society for the current year.
Resolved, That the Treasurer be directed to lodge the certificate of stock amounting to $10,000, composing the permanent funds of this Society with the cashier of the Trenton Banking Company for safe keeping.
The Standing Committee begs leave to recommend that the following sums be appropriated for charitable purposes. To Mrs. Armstrong, widow of the Revd. Mr. Armstrong, $60. To Mrs. Jane Elmer, widow of Capt. Eli Elmer, for herself and children, $60, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Giles. To Mrs. Mary Bowen, widow of Lieut. Bowen, for herself, $40, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Giles; to Miss H. L. Baldwin, daughter of the late Capt. Baldwin, $40, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Cumming. To Mrs. Lucy Stout, widow of the late Wessel T. Stout, the sum of $60, for herself, to be placed in the hands of Major Ballard. They were appropriated.
The President announced the death of Moses Sprowle, a member of this Society, whereupon
Resolved, that in honor of the memory of our deceased brother, the Society will wear mourning by a crape on the left arm for the space of thirty days.
The Military attending, the Society, together with the Citizens, walked in procession to the Presbyterian Church to attend the exercises appointed for the day. When, after prayer by the Revd. Mr. How and the reading of the Declaration of Independence, an oration was delivered by William Halstead, Esqr.
The exercises at the church being ended, the Society proceeded in the same order of procession to the place of their sitting and proceeded to business.
Resolved, that the thanks of this Society be presented to William Halsted, Esq., for the handsome notice taken by him of this Society in his address to them, in his very excellent and interesting oration of this day, and that he be requested to favor the Society with his company at dinner.
Applications having been made to the Committee by Enoch Shute for a renewal of a diploma of his brother, the late Capt. Samuel M. Shute, in consequence of the original being in a highly mutilated state, which was produced to the Standing Committee. The Standing Committee recommend that a new diploma, similar to the former, be filled up and delivered to the said Enoch Shute. (Handed the original diploma to Genl. Bloomfield, who engaged to make one agreeably to this resolution from a blank diploma in his possession — G. C. B.).
It having been represented that the book of Bye-Laws and Constitution of this Society, which had been delivered to Mr. Anthony Reckless, the original member, has been lost or mislaid. It is Ordered, that a book be issued to the present member, Mr. Joseph W. Reckless in the name of the original member, under an assurance to return the latter book, if the first shall be found, and that the President specify in the book that it is a duplicate. (Delivered the book with a copy of this minute to Genl. Bloomfield September 11, 1821, and delivered book to Mr. Reckless. G. C. B.).
Resolved, that the unbound books of the By-Laws and Rules of this Society now in the hands of Genl. John Beatty be delivered over to the Secretary, to be by him preserved to the further order of the Society.
Resolved, that the Secretary deliver to the President a copy of the Bye-Laws and Rules of this Society, bound in red Morocco, to be deposited by the President in the Office of the Department of War. Delivered book to Genl. Bloomfield.)
Resolved, that it become an order that a Special Committee previous to each anniversary, do select some suitable person to deliver a discourse before the Society as well for the purpose of inculcating those principles which form its basis, as of tracing the causes which led to the American Revolution, and which attended and preceded that vast event, and showing the influence which it has had and probably will have on the morals, religion and politics of the Society in general, together with such other matters as to him may seem pertinent and proper, and that due compensation be made from the funds of the Society for such services, and for the next anniversary that Genl. Cumming and Col. Ogden be a committee to carry this into effect.