Generals Beatty, Giles J. Dayton, Colonel Ogden, Majors Ballard, Shute, Tuttle.
William Campfield, Esq., only son of the late Doctor Jabez Campfield made application for admission as a member in right of his father. The Standing Committee recommend that the consideration thereof be postponed.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find the permanent funds of the Society to consist of the sum of $10,000 in six per cent, stock of the United States.
The Treasurer has received $1,036, including the proceeds of a sale of the Certificate of $400, ordered to be sold by the Society at their last meeting, which in addition to $213.92, balance of last year, makes the sum of $1,249.92, and that there was due on the first of July instant, the further sum of $150 and that the Treasurer has expended the sum of $732.18, leaving a balance of $517.74, which with the sum due as above on the first instant, places at the disposal of the Society the sum of $667.74.
Resolved, That in future each attending member shall be entitled to receive of the Treasurer the sum of one-fifth of a dollar for every mile he shall have traveled (by the most direct route) from his place of residence to the place of meeting of the Society in each year. Provided, nevertheless, and it is hereby expressly declared; that the accustomed charities and such others, as may be dictated by a spirit of brotherly kindness towards those officers and their families, who unfortunately may be under the necessity of receiving them be first provided for; and provided, also that this disbursement for traveling expenses shall in no one year, exceed the sum of two hundred dollars.
The Committee beg leave to recommend that the following sums be appropriated for charitable purposes. Mrs. Armstrong, widow of the Revd. Mr. Armstrong, $50. Mrs. Bowen, widow of Lieut. Bowen, for herself, $35. Major Almarine Brooks, $50. Miss H. L. Baldwin, daughter of Capt. Baldwin, $35. Mrs. Lucy Stout, widow of late Wessel T. Stout, $50. Col. Ephraim Whitlock, $50. Mrs. Seely, widow of the late Samuel Seely, $35. Captain Samuel Hendry, $15, inclusive of such compensation as may be allowed to members at the present session. They were appropriated.
The President announced the death of the following members: Dr. Jabez Campfield and David Higbee Brearley.
Resolved, that in honor of the memory of our deceased brethern, the Society will wear mourning by a crape on the left arm for the space of thirty days.
The Military attending for the purpose of escorting the Society, they, together with the Citizens, walked in procession to the Presbyterian Church, to attend the exercises appointed for the day, where, after a prayer by the Revd. Dr. McDowell and the reading of the Declaration of Independence by the Revd. Dr. Hunter, an oration was delivered by Dr. Ebenezer Elmer, who had been appointed to that duty. The exercises of the church being ended, the Society returned in the same order of procession to the place of their sitting and proceeded to business.
Resolved, that the thanks of this Society be presented to Genl. Elmer for his very appropriate oration, and that he be requested to deliver the same to the Secretary in order that it may be placed among the archives.
Application having been made by Abraham Stout through Col. Ira Stout, his brother, for a renewal of a diploma which has been destroyed, the Committee recommend that a new diploma similar to the former be filled up and delivered to his brother. Col. Ira Stout, to be forwarded by him.
Genl. Beatty made the following report:
Whereas, it is declared to be one great and leading object in the formation of this Society to keep alive and render permanent that cordial affection which commenced under the pressure of danger, and which cemented the officers together at the dissolution of the Army, and whereas, from the scattered and remote situation of the few now surviving members of this Band of Brothers, little or no opportunity is afforded in the common intercourse of life of cherishing and perpetuating those mutual endearing ties of friendship, by an interchange of those sentiments of early attachment and esteem. It has become highly desirable for this purpose that a full and general meeting of the members be had, at least on each Anniversary. And as it is found that the interest arising out of the funds of this Society are more than are annually disbursed in acts of beneficence, in order, therefore, to assist those members who cannot conveniently spare the means of traveling a distance, and to animate all to attend; Resolved, that in future each attending member shall be entitled to receive of the Treasurer the sum of one-fifth of a dollar for every mile he shall have traveled (by the most direct route) from his place of residence to the place of meeting of the Society in each year. Provided, nevertheless, and it is hereby expressly declared, that the accustomed charities and such others, as may be dictated by a spirit of brotherly kindness towards those officers and their families, who unfortunately may be under the necessity of receiving them, be first provided for; and provided also, that this disbursement for traveling expenses shall in no one year exceed the sum of two hundred dollars. Which report being read, was approved.
The President announced the decease on the 6th instant of Genl. John Noble Cumming, late Vice-President of the Society. Whereupon Resolved, that the members of this Society wear crape on the left arm for thirty days.