The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find the permanent funds of the Society to be the same as last year.
The Treasurer has received $624, which in addition to $425.86, the balance of last year makes the sum of $1,049.86. There was due on the first July instant, the further sum of $270, and the Treasurer has expended the sum of $594.19, leaving a balance of $455.67, which with the sum due as above on the first instant places at the disposal of the Society the sum of $725.67.
Resolved, That so much of the funds of this Society as consist of what is called the Masonic Loan, be disposed of by the Treasurer, and the proceeds thereof immediately and with as little delay as possible, vested in the funded six per cent, stock of the United States.
The Standing Committee begs leave to recommend that the following sums be appropriated for charitable purposes. To Mrs. Armstrong, widow of the Revd. Mr. Armstrong, $60, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Beatty. Mrs. Jane Elmer, widow of Capt. Eli Elmer, for herself and children, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Giles, $60. To Mrs. Bowen, widow of Lieut. Bowen, for herself, $40, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Giles. To Miss H. L. Baldwin, daughter of the late Capt. Baldwin, $40, for herself, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Gumming. To Mrs. Lucy Stout, widow of the late W. T. Stout, the sum of $60, for herself, to be placed in the hands of Major Ballard. They were appropriated.
The President announced the death of Col. Wessel T. Stout, a member of this Society, whereupon resolved, that in honor of the memory of our deceased brother, the Society will wear mourning by crape on the left arm for the space of thirty days.
The Military attending for the purpose of escorting the Society, they, together with the Citizens, walked in procession to the Presbyterian Church to attend the exercises appointed for the day, when after a prayer by the Revd. Dr. McDowell, the reading of the Declaration of Independence, an oration was delivered by Oliver S. Halstead, Esq.
Resolved, that the resolution entered into at the last meeting so far as respects the authority or instruction given to Major William Jackson to act for them as solicitor, be and the same is hereby rescinded, and that it be the duty of the Secretary to transmit a copy of the above resolution under seal to Major Jackson.
Application having been made by Mr. William Hyer for the Book of Constitution and Register, Resolved, that a Certificate with the Register be delivered to him by the Secretary, in the right of his deceased brother, Jacob Hyer, an original member.