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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

General Helms, General Giles, Colonel Ogden, Colonel Rhea, Colonel Beatty, Major Ballard and Major Shute.

Hereditary Members

Major Elias B. Dayton made application to be admitted a member of this Society in place and right of Major General Elias Dayton, deceased, and it appearing that Brigadier General Jonathan Dayton the eldest son of the said deceased is an original member of this Society; the Standing Committee do therefore give their opinion that Major Elias B. Dayton, the next eldest son of the deceased is entitled and altogether worthy of a seat in this Society. He was admitted a member.

Application having been made by Jacob Burnet, Esquire, an Honorary Member of this Society to be admitted in the place and right of Dr. William Burnet (one of the physician’s general of the Army of the United States), deceased, and it appearing that William Burnet, eldest son of the said deceased, had been admitted a member in the place and right of Ichabod Burnet, who had been an original member, and that John Burnet, the next eldest son is under an incapacity to become a member; the Standing Committee, do therefore, give their opinion that Jacob Burnet, Esquire, the next in succession of the said William Burnet, deceased, is entitled to and altogether worthy of a seat in the Society in place and right of his said father. He was admitted.


The Treasurer of this Society reported that Messrs. McEwen, Hale and Davidson, brokers of the City of Philadelphia, have transacted the business of this Society in the funding and vesting from time to time the monies paid in upon the capital stock of this Society and have refused to receive any commissions for their trouble.

The Standing Committee report that they have examined the Treasurer’s accounts and find that the six per cent, and deferred stock reported at the last meeting have been vested in permanent stock of the United States, and do amount to $8,865.89, bearing an interest of six per cent, from January first, eighteen hundred and eight. And the $300 eight per cent, stock, with the balance in the hands of the Treasurer, including the quarter ending the thirty-first of March last, hath produced the sum of $967.45, permanent stock, payable with interest from the first of April, eighteen hundred and eight, making a total sum of $9,833.34; producing a quarterly interest of $147.50. The Treasurer has paid out since the last meeting, $416.50, exclusive of the purchase of stock, and there now remains of cash in his hands, $59.38.

Resolved, That $166.66 or so much as may be necessary be appropriated to increasing the capital stock of the Society to $10,000, and that the Treasurer take order accordingly.


The Standing Committee reported the following resolutions which were agreed to.

Resolved, that sixty-eight dollars be placed in the hands of Col. Rhea for the use of Mrs. Howell and her children and sixty-eight dollars be placed in the hands of Genl. Giles for Mrs. Elmer and her children and that fifty dollars be placed in the hands of Genl. Elmer for the use of Mrs. Brooks and her children, and the committee further reported upon the representation of the distressed state of Lieut. Eden Burrowes that the sum of forty dollars be paid into the hands of Mrs. Burrowes, wife of Eden Burrowes, for the relief of the family of the said Eden Burrowes.

The Society, not having funds to enable them to extend their charity beyond the sums mentioned, the above sums are to be paid from time to time as monies come into the Treasurer’s hands.


The Vice-President announced the death of Major-General Dayton, the president of the Society, whereupon.

Resolved unanimously, that Genl. Gumming, Dr. Boudinot and Col. Ogden be a committee to draw up and report a respectful testimonial to the memory of Major-General Elias Dayton to be entered upon the records of this Society.

The Committee appointed to draw up and report a respectful testimonial to the memory of Major-General Elias Dayton made the following report which being read, was approved and adopted.

It having pleased the Supreme ruler of the Universe since our last anniversary, to call home our late worthy President, Major-General Elias Dayton, and in commemoration of his distinguished patriotism and his long and faithful services, the Society will wear mourning one month, and the orator for the next anniversary is requested to eulogize this character.

In behalf of the Committee,
July 4th, 1808. J. N. CUMMING.

General Bloomfield made the following report:

In obedience to the order of the Society of July 4th, 1807, the subscriber has prepared and had printed 150 copies of 87 pages, containing

1. The Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati, formed by the Convention of the American Army in 1783.

2. The institution as altered and amended at the first general meeting in 1784.

3. Extracts from the minutes of the New Jersey Society which refer to the Institutions.

4. Proceedings of the General Society of the Cincinnati at their several triennial and extra general meetings held at Philadelphia.

5. Bye-Laws and Rules of the New Jersey Society of the Cincinnati.

6. Report of the Standing Committee on the funds of the Society in July, 1807.

7. The names of the officers of the New Jersey line.

Two copies of this publication are delivered herewith, one in elegant and one in plain binding, with the receipts of the printer.

The subscriber submits to the correction and instructions of the Society a register of the names of the officers of the New Jersey line, killed, wounded and taken prisoners; a list of the members of this State Society and the offices they severally sustained since the peace in 1783; and also the form of a certificate or diploma to be printed and delivered with the publication to every member of the Society if approved. And this Society shall order a seal to be engraved for this purpose and for the general use of the Institution. The additional matter can be printed in the same type and will make a dozen or sixteen pages. In the binding no extra expense will be incurred.
Trenton, July 4, 1808. JOSEPH BLOOMFIELD.

Col. Ogden, Genl. Dayton and Major Wm. Shute were appointed a committee to consider the above report, and to lay the result before the Society.

The Committee appointed for that purpose, having duly examined and considered the report made by Governor Bloomfield to the Society at the present meeting, together with the book accompanying it, do unanimously recommend that the said book be approved so far as it extends, and that the plan of additions thereto, as suggested in the report be adopted, and that it be referred to the Governor to perfect and complete the same accordingly, and to have fifty copies bound agreeably to the best sample of binding which has been exhibited to the Society. The Committee take the liberty of reporting it also as their opinion that Governor Bloomfield is justly entitled to the thanks of the Society for the zeal, diligence and ability with which he has discharged the duties assigned to him in the compilation above alluded to.

Whereupon resolved unanimously, that the Society agree to the said report.

The Committee to whom were referred two circular letters addressed to the President of this Society subscribed by several gentlemen styling themselves committees on the part of the revolutionary officers residing at Pittsburg and its vicinity and in the city of Philadelphia, on the subject of an application to Congress for remuneration of losses sustained by the commutation of half-pay, having made report thereon ; Resolved, that whatever measure of justice and propriety there might be in making such an appeal to the magnanimity and liberality of our country, yet it is not expected for the Society, as such, to interfere in the premises.

In behalf of the Committee,


The above report was agreed to and ordered to be communicated by the Secretary.

Ordered that the diploma of Capt. Faulkner be delivered to him free of expense.

The Society then went in procession to the Presbyterian Church where, after singing several anthems suitable to the day, and a prayer by the Rev. Mr. Waddell, an oration was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Armstrong. The Society then returned to the hotel where they were to dine and proceeded to the different parts of their business yet to be done.

Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be presented to the Reverend Mr. Armstrong for his appropriate oration and that he furnish a copy of it to be kept in the archives of the Society.