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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

General Dayton, Beatty, Giles, Colonel E. Beatty, Major Ballard, William Shute and Captain S. M. Shute.

Hereditary Members

Col. Abram. Kinney, being present made application to be restored to full standing as a member of the Society, whereupon, ordered that his case and representation be committed to General Dayton, Col. Kollock and Capt. Sprowles to consider and report thereon.

General Dayton from the Committee made the following report :

That as it is evident that the applicant had been under an Error in supposing that the transfer of his months pay from the funds of Connecticut, were indispensible to his admission to a membership in this Society; it is the unanimous opinion of the Committee, that further time (until the next annual meeting) ought to be allowed Col. Kinney to obtain the evidence of his being a member of the Connecticut Society of the Cincinnati or of his having deposited a months pay, with the agent or treasurer.

John Buck Esquire, eldest son of Lieut. Joseph Buck, late an original member made application to be admitted a member of this Society in right of his deceased father. He was admitted.

David Higbee Brearly, son of the late Col. David Brearly, deceased, an original member of this Society, made application to be admitted a member. The Standing Committee do recommend the said David H. Brearly to be a member of this Society in right of his father. Col. David Brearly, deceased. He was admitted.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the Treasurer’s accounts and find that he has invested in the permanent stock of the United States, the sum of $166.66, which added to the sum of $9,833.34, heretofore invested in similar stock, making a total sum of $10,000, now in the hands of the Treasurer, and producing a quarterly interest of $150, commencing on the first day of last April. The Treasurer has paid out since the last meeting, the sum of $673.82, including $170 paid for additional permanent stock, as above mentioned, and that there is a balance now due the Treasurer of $44- 34-


The Standing Committee report the following resolutions to the Society :

Resolved, that as soon as the state of the funds from the interest thereof will admit, sixty dollars be placed in the hands of Col. Rhea, for Mrs. Howell and her children; sixty dollars in the hands of Genl. Elmer, for Mrs. Brooks and her children; forty dolars in the hands of Major Ballard for Mrs. Ruecastle; twenty-five dollars to be paid by the Treasurer to Col. Wessels T. Stout or his order, and thirty dollars to be paid in the hands of Col. Ogden, to be by him remitted to Lieut. Eden Burrowes, accompanied by a letter to Mr. Burrowes, that, as he resides out of the State, and agreeable to the Constitution, ought to belong to that State Society in which he makes his residence, his application in future ought to be made to them for relief.


The Secretary of the Society being absent, General Beatty was requested to officiate as such, pro tempore.

The President announced the death of Lieut. John Ruecastle in July last. Mr. Alex. Ross, son of Major John Ross, in October last, and Lieut. Col. Jonathan Forman on May 25, 1809.

Whereupon Resolved, that in honor of the memory of our deceased friends and brethern, the Society will wear mourning by a crape on the left arm for the space of thirty days.

The President made the following report.

That he has procured a seal (of which a description is annexed) completed and herewith delivers with said seal fifty copies of the publication ordered by the Society, at their last meeting, elegantly bound in Morocco, with diplomas signed by the President, and countersigned by the Secretary for the several members; and also one hundred copies of the publication in sheets, subject to the directions of the Society.

Seal of the New Jersey State Society of Cincinnati.

The principal figure CINCINNATUS.

The time, when his country no longer needed his exertions in arms.

His sword and shield ornamented with an eagle are thrown aside, to which he is pointing with one hand and with the other taking hold of the plough; intimating that he has given up his high military employments; become a private citizen and devoted himself to the pursuits of agriculture.

On a scroll above Cincimiatus is inscribed the “Reward of Virtue,” Virtutis Praemium; ornamented with roses as emblematical of the beauty and fragrance of virtuous actions which like the fragrance of the rose, remains after death.

A fortified city and harbor with an ancient galley in view; distant mountains with a rising sun.

Which report was read and committed to Genl. Dayton, Col. Ogden and Capt. S. M. Shute to consider and report thereon.

Col. Abraham Kinney being present, made application to be restored to full standing as a member of the Society.

Whereupon ordered, that his case and representation be committed to Genl. Dayton, Col. Kollock and Capt. Sprowles to consider and report thereon. The Society then went in procession to the Presbyterian Church escorted by the mihtary and citizens of the place where, after prayer was made by the Revd. Mr. McDowell, and several anthems suitable to the occasion sung, an oration was delivered by Col. Ogden. The Society then returned and proceeded with the business of the meeting.

The Committe to whom was referred the application of Col. Abraham Kinney have considered the matter referred to them and report thereon. That as it is evident that the applicant had been under an error in supposing that the transfer of his month’s pay from the funds of Connecticut were indispensible to his admission to a membership in this Society, it is the unanimous opinion of the Committee; that further time (until next annual meeting) ought to be allowed Col. Kinney to obtain the evidence of his being a member of the Connecticut Society of the Cincinnati, or, of his having deposited a month’s pay with the Agent or Treasurer.

Signed by order,

Which report was agreed to.

The Committee to whom the President’s report was committed made the following report:

The Committee to whom was referred the consideration of the proper distribution of the Bound Books of the Constitution and Register of the Cincinnati left on hand, beg leave to report that in their opinion those impressed with the names of individual members on the back should be delivered accordingly upon due application ; and that the residue, together with the unbound sheets be retained in the hands of the Secretary and that no copy whatever shall be delivered except those as above, unless by the express order of the Society, to be entered on the Minutes.

Which report was agreed to.

It was ordered that the book of the Constitution and Register destined for and impressed with the name of Edmund D. Thomas, be retained in the hands of the Secretary, until the further order of the Society.

Resolved, that the books of the Constitution and Register be transmitted by his excellency, the President of this Society, to the President of the General Society of the Cincinnati : and to each of the Presidents of the several State Societies that are known to be still existing for the use of their respective Societies.

Ordered, that the Secretary do transmit to Horatio Gates Phillips and Jacob Burnet, Esquires, members of this Society, a book each of the Constitution and Register, with their names impressed on the cover; they being resident in the State of Ohio, in which no Society of the Cincinnati is existing.