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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Colonel Ogden, General Beatty, Colonel Rhea, General Cumming, Major Ballard, Major Ford and Mr. George C. Barber.

Delegates to the General Society

General Elias Dayton, Governor Bloomfield, Colonel Ogden, General J. Dayton, General Cumming.

Honorary Members

Resolved, That Jacob Burnet, Esq. of the State of Ohio, be and he is hereby elected an Honorary Member of this Society.

Hereditary Members

Resolved, that the name of Major Jeremiah Bruin be stricken off the list of this Society as having never complied with one of the essential regulations of the Society, although he has been regularly called upon for this purpose.

Applications were made by Mr. Horatio Gates Phillips to be admitted as a member of this Society being the eldest male issue of Captain Jonathan Phillips deceased; for the admission of Mr. Gilbert Barton being the eldest male issue of Captain William Barton, deceased, and for the admission of Mr. Joseph Burnet being the eldest male issue of Doctor William Burnet, Jr., deceased. And it appearing that their claims are well founded and that they are of respectable standing and virtuous members of Society they were admitted.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the Treasurer’s books and accounts and they found the several following sums, which are vested in the stock of the United States, viz. : $300 in eight per cent. ; $8,359-96 in old six per cent, stock, being in value at this time, $5,762.50; $3,549.49 in deferred six per cent, stock, being in value at this time, $3,136.18, making a total value of $9,198.68, which makes an increase of capital in real stock since the last annual meeting of $354.48 ; in which sum is included $834.49 deferred six per cent, stock, being the proceeds of $700, interest and principal of former stock. The Committee further report that the Treasurer has paid out since the last meeting of the Society, the sum of $147.38, and that there now remains of cash in his hands, $219.18.


The Standing Committee further reported that a representation had been made to them that Mrs. Elmer, the widow of Captain Eli Elmer and that Mrs. Howell, the widow of the late Governor Richard Howell, have been left in unpleasant circumstances as to the means of supporting and educating their children which from their number and time of life are becoming more and more expensive.

It was Resolved, that the sum of one hundred dollars be paid into the hands of General James Giles by the Treasurer of this Society for the use of the said Mrs. Elmer and her children, and that one hundred dollars be placed in the hands of the Reverend Andrew Hunter for the use of the said Mrs. Howell and her children, to be applied at their discretion and under their responsibility.


In consequence of a letter received from Lieut. Abraham Kinney on the subject of his not having complied with the regulations of the Society, the resolution for striking his name off the list of the Society was continued till the next meeting.

The Society on taking into view the present state of its members reduced nearly to one-third of their original number who are in like manner subject to the common lot of humanity and desirous before our numbers are still more diminished to make more effectual and permanent provision for the securing of our funds and the faithful appropriation of them to the beneficent and charitable objects for which they were originally instituted, DO RESOLVE, that a committee be appointed to prepare and report at the next annual meeting a plan as well to secure the funds of the Society as the appropriation thereof, according to the object for which they were instituted. And RESOLVED, that Governor Bloomfield, Genl. Beatty and Col. Ogden be the said Committee.

Resolved, that no motion tending to dissolve this Society or to suspend its meetings or render them less frequent than annual be discussed and decided upon at the same meeting in which such motion was made.

Resolved, that the name of Major Jeremiah Bruen be stricken off the list of the Society.