Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey
Standing Committee
Messrs. Ogden. Elmer, Barber, Hyer, McDowell, J. A. Pennington, Lloyd.
Honorary Members
General J. Cadwalader, Adjutant General of this State, was unanimously elected an Honorary Member of this Society in the place of General Wall, deceased.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find them correctly stated, and there is a balance due to him of $11.66.
The Standing Committee recommend that donations of $20 be made to each of the following persons:
Miss Thomas, to be paid to Geo. C. Thomas; William Whitlock, paid to himself: Miss Stout, paid to R. M. Stout; Miss Sproul, paid to Wm. Lloyd; Miss Reckless, paid to R. M. Stout; Miss Ogden, paid to Matts. Ogden; Mrs. Barber, paid to F. Barber; Miss De Hart, paid to Mr. De Hart to F. Barber; Mrs. Armstrong, to herself; Mrs. Hyer, to Alex. C. Hyer; Mrs. Lloyd, to Wm. Lloyd; Mrs. Kollock, to J. McDowell, Jr., Miss Butler to F. Barber; Mrs. M. R. Williamson and Amelia G. Dayton, to Matts. Ogden; and Miss Sally Dayton, to F. Barber.
It appears that the donation of $23, ordered last year to Mrs. A. B. Patton in consequence of her decease shortly after the meeting of the Society has not been paid, and the Committee, being satisfied that Mrs. H. C. Patton had the charge of and provided for Mrs. A. B. Patton up to the time of her decease, recommend that the Treasurer be directed to pay the said donation to Mrs. H. C. Patton. Recommendations adopted.
In absence of the Secretary, A. C. Hyer was chosen Secretary pro tem. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The proceedings of the General Society of the Cincinnati were communicated by the President, whereupon it was Resolved, that a special committee consisting of Spencer, Elmer, and Ogden be appointed to consider and report at the next meeting of the Society.
The orator appointed by the Society being prevented by indisposition from attending, no oration was delivered.
The President announced to the Society the death of Genl. Wall, late an Honorary member of this Society, whereupon it was Resolved, that the usual badge of mourning be worn for him for thirty days.