Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey
Standing Committee
Colonel John Kinney, Colonel Joseph W. Scott, Major J. J. Plume, Mr. R. H. Cumming, Captain William Tuttle, R. L. Armstrong, J. W. Reckless.
Delegates to the General Society
General Elmer, Colonel Armstrong, Colonel Kinney.
Hereditary Members
The Committee report that a certificate was laid before them from Thomas J. Rogers and many others in support of the application of Cassius Burrows, heretofore made to be admitted as a member as successor to his deceased father, Captain Eden Burrows. The Committee do therefore recommend him the said Cassius Burrows to be received as a member in direct lineal succession. He was admitted.
Matthias O. Dayton having made application for membership to this Society in the right of General Jonathan Dayton, deceased, an original member. It appeared that General Jonathan Dayton has left no male issue, that William Dayton is his oldest brother in succession, that he declines making application for a seat in this Society and that the applicant, Matthias O. Dayton is his oldest son, that he is of good moral and respectable character. The Standing Committee think proper therefore, to recommend him to the Society as a member out of lineal succession, and as a collateral. The Society postponed the consideration of this application until the next annual meeting of the Society.
Honorary Members
On Motion the following were admitted as Honorary Members of this Society.
Doctor Lewis Condict, Charles Ewing Esquire, Col. Theodore Frelinghuysen and General Garret D. Wall.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer General Elmer and find the permanent funds of the Society to consist of $10,000 in the public stocks of the United States. The Treasurer paid out of the monies by him before received for the expenses of the last year as follows : For traveling expenses of the members of the meeting at Elizabeth Town in 1827, the sum of $106.40; for the expenses of the Society at the said meeting, $161.31 ; and for sundry incidental expenses at the said meeting, $24.27; and for the donations to the widows and others, $125; amounting in the whole to $416.98; that after the disbursements aforesaid, there remained in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $25.32.
The Treasurer has since received from the estate of General Beatty, the late Treasurer, the sum of $88.75, and from Hall and Davison the interest on the permanent fund of $600, and that there is now a balance in his hands of the sum of $704.04 at the disposal of the Society.
The Standing Committee recommend that the following sums be appropriated for charitable purposes : Mrs. Seely, widow of Samuel Seely ; Mrs. Hay, widow of Col. Samuel Hay; Miss E. Whitlock, daughter of Col. E. Whitlock; Mrs. Burrows, widow of Capt. Burrows; Mrs. Brooks, widow of Almarine Brooks; Mrs. Armstrong, widow of Revd. Dr. Armstrong; Mrs. Hendry, widow of Capt. Hendry ; Mrs. Stout, widow of Capt. Stout ; Miss Mary Ann Kinney, daughter of Col. John Kinney and Shephard Kollock, $30 each; Major William Shute, $20.
The Society proceeded to appoint an Orderly Sergeant, when Albert Voorhies, Sergeant of the Revolution, was appointed orderly for this Society.
The Society, together with the Citizens, walked in procession to the Presbyterian Church, when, after prayer by the Revd. Luther Halsey, Jr., and the reading of the Declaration of Independence, a very eloquent and appropriate oration was delivered by the Revd. P. C. Hay, who had been previously appointed by the Society. The exercises of the church being ended, the Society returned in the same order of procession to the place of meeting and proceeded to business.
Resolved, that the thanks of this Society be presented to Revd. P. C. Hay, for his eloquent and very appropriate oration, and that he be requested to deliver a copy to the Secretary, that it may be placed among the archives.
Resolved, that the Society of Cincinnati agree to abstain from the use of ardent spirits at dinner on this day.
Resolved, that whenever William Shute, an original member of this Society, residing out of the State, shall attend a meeting of the Society, he shall be entitled to receive mileage not exceeding Twenty dollars.
The Society then proceeded with the business postponed from last annual meeting relative to the alteration of the 1st Section of the Bye-Laws; on a vote being taken, it was decided in the negative.