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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Captain Tuttle, Major Plume, J. W. Reckless, Colonel Scott, Colonel Armstrong, R. M. Stout, Robert H. Cumming.

Hereditary Members


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer General Elmer, and find the permanent funds of the Society to consist of $10,000 in six per cent, stock of the United States of the year 1814. The said sum of $10,000, together with the sum of $150, being one quarters interest thereof on the first day of July was payable on that day, and that the same now produces no interest.

The Standing Committee do therefore recommend to the Society that the said sum of $10,000 be vested in the public debt of the United States by a Committee to be appointed for that purpose by the Society.

The Committee further report that the Treasurer has paid out of the monies by him before received, for the expenses of the last year as follows: For the traveling expenses of the members of the meeting, $136.40; for the expenses of the Society at said meeting, $158.37; and for sundry incidental expenses at the said meeting, $13.27; and for the donations to the widows and others, $320, making in the whole the sum of 628.04. That after the disbursements aforesaid there remained in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $76.03, That the Treasurer has since received from Hale & Davison the interest on the permanent fund to the first April, 1829. The sum of $600, and that there is now a balance in his hands of $676.03.

The Committee report that of the sum paid at the last meeting for the expenses of the Society the sum of $24.87½ was improperly charged and paid for the Tavern Bills of certain of the members. The Committee have with reluctance passed so much of this bill at this time, and they take occasion to announce that except by the instructions of the Society they will not allow such bills in time to come.

The Standing Committee beg leave to recommend to the Society to pass a resolution refusing traveling expenses after this day to any other than original members.

It appeared to the Committee that on the occasion of the late application of the surviving officers of the Revolution to Congress for relief, this Society loaned to the applicants the sum of $150, to be returned to them only in case Congress should pass some law in relief. It now appears to the Committee that a law in relief has been passed and that therefore the said sum of $150, heretofore advanced to the President of the Society in pursuance of the foregoing resolution ought to be returned that the same may be applied to the objects of benevolence and charity contemplated in the formation of this Society.

Resolved, That Gen. Ebenezer Elmer, Charles Ewing, Esq., and Robert L. Armstrong, Esq., be authorized to invest the capital stock of this Society (now payable) in such of the public stock of the United States, or of any of the Individual States as the said Gen. Elmer, Judge Ewing and Col. Armstrong, may deem most advantageous to the interest of the Society.

Resolved, That the sum of $100 be paid by the Treasurer out of any monies which may heretofore be received by him to Mrs. Mary Barber in full for the services of George C. Barber, deceased, as secretary of this Society.


The Standing Committee recommend that the following sums be appropriated for charitable purposes to Mrs. Seely, widow of the late Samuel Seely; Mrs. Hendry, widow of Capt. Saml. Hendry; Mrs. Brooks, widow of Almarine Brooks; Mrs. Stout, widow of Col. Stout; Mrs. Hay, widow of Col. Hay; Mrs. Armstrong, widow of Revd. Dr. Armstrong, Miss Whitlock, daughter of Col. Whitlock; and Miss Kinney, daughter of Major Kinney, $30 each. Mrs. Barber, widow of George C. Barber, late Secretary, $60. Recommendations adopted.


The President announced the death of George Clinton Barber, Esq., late Secretary of this Society, whereupon it was Resolved, that in memory of our deceased brother this Society will wear the usual mourning by a crape on the left arm for the space of thirty days.

Major Plume, of the Committee appointed to procure the binding of 18 copies of the Red Book of the Constitution, Bye-Laws and Rules, bound in the uniform manner in which the others have been bound, reported that they had performed that service, and presented the books accordingly. The following members present received each a copy, viz : Rev. P. C. Hay, Major J. J. Plume, Col. J. W. Scott, Theodore Frelinghuysen, Esqr., Genl. G. D. Wall and Charles Ewing, Esqr., and one placed in the hands of Major Kinney for Dr. Lewis Condict.

Letters from the Hon. Lewis Condict and Charles Ewing, Esqr., appointed Honorary Members at the last meeting were read and ordered to be filed.

The Society, together with the Citizens, accompanied by a very handsome military escort, walked in procession to the First Presbyterian Church, when, after a prayer by the Revd. Dr. McDowell and the reading of the Declaration of Lidependence by the Revd. P. C. Hay, a very eloquent and appropriate oration was delivered by Theo. Frelinghuysen, Esq., who had been previously appointed by the Society. The exercises in the church being ended, the Society returned in the same order of procession to the house of E. Nor, place of meeting, being a very stormy day, and proceeded to business.

On motion Resolved, that the thanks of this Society be presented to Theo. Frelinghuysen, Esqr., for his eloquent and very appropriate oration, and that he be requested to deliver a copy to the Secretary, that it may be placed among the archives.

The Committee report to the Society that of the sum paid at the last meeting for the expenses of the Society, the sum of Twenty-four dollars, eighty-seven and half cents, was improperly charged and paid for the tavern bills of certain of the members. The Committee have with reluctance, passed so much of this bill at this time, and they take occasion to announce that except by the instructions of the Society they will not allow such bills in time to come.

The Standing Committee beg leave to recommend to the Society to pass a resolution, refusing traveling expenses after this day to any other than original members.

It appeared to the Standing Committee that on the occasion of the late application of the surviving officers of the Revolution to Congress for relief, this Society loaned to the applicants the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, to be returned to them only in case Congress should pass some law in relief. It now appears to the Committee that a law in relief has been passed and that therefore, the said sum of one hundred and fifty dollars heretofore advanced to the President of the Society in pursuance of the foregoing resolution, ought to be returned that the same may be applied to the objects of benevolence and charity contemplated in the formation of this Society. All of which is respectfully submitted.

On motion Ordered, that the report of Messrs. Bloomfield and Barber bringing up the report of deaths and admissions in this Society, be entered on the minutes. Resolved, that Major Plume be a Committee to bring up the record of deaths and admissions to this time, and have fifty copies of it printed for the members of the Society, to be paid for by the Treasurer.

On motion Resolved, that so much of any resolution of this Society as authorizes the payment of Traveling Expenses of attending the meetings to others than the original members of the Society, be repealed. The consideration of which resolution was postponed to the next annual meeting.