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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

General Beatty, Major Ballard, Captain Reckless, Giles, Colonel Dayton, Shute and Ford.

Hereditary Members

Richard S. Rhea, eldest son of the late General Jona. Rhea, late an original member made application to be admitted a member of this Society in right of his deceased father and the Standing Committee being well convinced from his present standing in Society that he will make a worthy member, he was admitted.

Robert L. Armstrong son of the late Rev. James F. Armstrong an original member of this Society, made application to be admitted as a member, and the Standing Committee conceiving him worthy recommended his admission in right of his father, James F. Armstrong, deceased, he was admitted.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find the permanent funds of the Society to consist of the sum of $10,000 in six per cent stock. The Committee further report that agreeably to a resolution of the Society the Treasurer produced a loan office certificate of the United States for $400, drawing an interest of six per cent., dated July 27, 1815, being the amount of the surplus monies in his hands. Since the last settlement the Treasurer has received the sum of $618, which with the balance then remaining in his hands makes the sum of $1,165.57, and that there was due on the first instant the further sum of $270, and the Treasurer has expended the sum of $823.75, leaving a balance in his hands of $341.82, which with the sum due as above on the first instant places at the disposition of the Society the sum of $611.82.


The Committee beg leave to recommend that the following sums be appropriated for charitable purposes, viz:

To Col. Wessel T. Stout $60.00
Mrs. Eli Elmer, widow of Capt. Eli Elmer, for herself and children, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Giles, for their use 60.00
To Mrs. Brooks, for herself and children, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Elmer, for their use 60.00
To Mrs. Mary Bowen, widow of Lieut. Bowen, for herself, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Giles 40.00
To Mrs. Phebe Ruecastle, widow of Lieut. John Ruecastle, the sum of 30.00
To the children of Capt. Daniel Baldwin, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Cumming 60.00
To Genl. Gumming, for the sum advanced by him for the funeral expenses for the late widow of Capt. Baldwin 40.00
To Capt. Samuel Hendry 25.00
To Susan Armstrong, widow of the Revd. James F. Armstrong, to be placed in the hands of General Beatty, for her use 75.00

Recommendations adopted.


The President announced the death of the following members, viz.: Revd. Mr. Armstrong, Major Richard Cox, Capt. Bowen, and Capt. Baldwin.

Resolved, That in honor of the memory of our deceased brethern, the Society will wear mourning by a crape on the left arm for the space of thirty days.

The Military attending for the purpose of escorting the Society, they, together with the Citizens, walked in procession to the Presbyterian Church to attend the exercise appointed for the day. when, after a prayer by the Revd. Mr. Brown, the reading of the Declaration of Independence and several anthems suitable to the occasion sung, the Society returned in the same order of procession to the place of their meeting.

Genl. Beatty made a satisfactory excuse for not delivering the oration this day.