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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

General Dayton, General Beatty, General Ogden, General Giles, General Rhea, Major Ballard, Major Shute.

Delegates to the General Society

Dr. E. Boudinot, General Beatty, General Giles, Major Cox. General Cumming.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find the permanent funds of this Society to consist of $10,000 six per cent, stock. The Committee further report that since the last settlement the Treasurer has paid to the order the Society the sum of $537.52, and that there remains at this time a balance in his hands of $415.94.


The Standing Committee beg leave to recommend that the following sums
be disbursed for charitable purposes when the interest money in the hands
of the Treasurer will admit, namely:

To Col. Stout, the sum of $60.00
To Mrs. Elmer, widow of Capt. Eli Elmer, for herself and children, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Giles 60.00
To Mrs. Brooks, wife of Capt. Almarine Brooks, for herself and children, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Elmer 60.00
Mrs. Barton 60.00
To Lieut. Saml. Seely, to be appropriated in clothing for his use by Genl. Rhea, provided he shall be satisfied that Lieut. Seely has not received any relief from the Society in Pennsylvania 50.00
To Lieut. Seth Bowen, for his present relief, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Giles 40.00

Recommendations adopted.


The Military attending for the purpose of escorting the Society, together with the Citizens, walked in procession to the Presbyterian Church to attend the exercises appointed for the day where after a prayer by the Revd. Mr. Armstrong and the reading of the Declaration of Independence, an oration was delivered by General Giles, who had been previously appointed to that duty.

The exercises of the church being ended, the Society returned in the same order of procession to the place of their sitting when, after exchanging congratulations with their fellow citizens on the occasion of their meeting, they proceeded to business.

Resolved, that the thanks of this Society be presented to General Giles for his very appropriate oration and that he be requested to deliver the same to the Secretary, in order that it may be placed among the archives.

Genl. Beatty, Genl. Rhea, and the Treasurer, having procured and submitted to the Society a standard agreeably to the resolution of the last meeting.

Resolved, that the Society do approve and accept of the same, and that the thanks of the Society be presented to the said Committee for the manner in which they have executed their Commission.

Resolved, that the Standard of this Society be committed to the special charge of the Secretary and that he cause the same to be at Trenton and Elizabeth Town alternately at each anniversary meeting, respectively, and the Treasurer pay the expenses of such removals.

Genl. Ogden, from the Committee who were appointed to collect the original diplomas and to place them with the Secretary, to be by him preserved to the further order of the Society, reported that they had complied with this order and placed in the hands of the Secretary, sixty-one diplomas, of which there are Twenty-Seven Diplomas signed, Thirty-One unsigned, and three filled up; one to Capt. John Holmes, another to Captain Jacob Piatt and the third to Captain Daniel Baldwin.

Resolved, that the same be deposited for safe keeping with the Cashier of the State Bank at Elizabeth, and that no diploma be delivered by him except to the Secretary upon a special order of this Society, signed by the President.

Resolved, that the Secretary procure and deliver to Genl. Ogden, a blank diploma, upon his delivering to the Secretary the diploma by him heretofore received unfilled up.