First Lieutenant John Shreve
Began his service in the Revolutionary War as 1st Lieutenant in the 2nd Regiment New Jersey Line. Resigned from service 20 Mar 1781. Fought in the Battles of Short Hills and Brandywine. Wintered at Valley Forge. Born in Mansfield, NJ 8 Apr 1762 and died in Alliance, OH on 8 Sep 1854. Son of Israel Shreve and Grace Curtis. Served as County Commissioner in Allegheny County, PA for three years. Served five times as Commissioner for laying graded roads. Served in the Pennsylvania State Legislature. Worked for a time shipping flour from New Orleans to the West Indies; Havna, Cuba, and Kingston, Jamaica. Imported sugar from Cuba and rum from Jamaica to New York. Married Abigail Ridgway on 9 Sep 1786 in Burlington, NJ. [Sources: ; ; (66).]