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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Captain Tuttle, Colonel Scott, General Wall, Colonel Armstrong, Colonel Plume, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Stout.

Delegates to the General Society

Colonel Ogden, General Wall, Colonel Scott.

Honorary Members

Resolved, That two honorary members be appointed, wherupon Mahlon Dickerson and Samuel L. Southard, Esquires, were duly elected.

Hereditary Members

Resolved, that J. J. Plume nor no other member of tlie Cincinnati Society of any other State be allowed to be a member of this Society at any future period, and that the name of J. J. Plume be erased from this Society as a regular member. This resolution was referred to a committee.


The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find that the permanent funds of the Society consist of one certificate of stock in the debt of the United States for $10,000 bearing date September 3, 1829. And one other certificate of the same stock and of the same date for $101. That the said sums are by law payable, and that no interest has been received or is receivable thereon since the first of April, 1832. The capital stock was not reinvested and the certificates are now herewith reported to the Society.

The Committee beg leave to report that there remains in the hands of the Treasurer over and above the said two certificates and after paying the appropriation of last year, together with the expenses of the last meeting, the sum of $118.94.

Resolved, That when this Society appoint a Treasurer, that such Treasurer shall give security for the funds that shall be placed in his hands, agreeably to the by-law.

Resolved, That a Committee of three members be appointed of whom the Treasurer shall be one, for the purpose of investing the funds of this Society, and that the evidence of such investment remain in the hands of the said Committee, until the Treasurer shall have given security, agreeably to the previous resolution of this Society.

Resolved, That we proceed to the appointment of Treasurer. Whereupon Mr. Reckless was elected Treasurer and Messrs. Thomas and Pennington appointed a Committee with the Treasurer to invest the funds.


The President announced to the Society the deaths of Major John Kinney, an original member, and Chas. Ewing, Esqr., an honorary member, whereupon it was Resolved, that the usual badge of mourning be worn for thirty days.

The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and approved. The Society, together with the Citizens, walked in procession to the First Presbyterian Church, where an address was delivered by Dr. Lewis Condict, who had been previously appointed by the Society. The exercises in the church being ended, the Society returned in the same order of procession and proceeded to business.

Resolved, that a vote of thanks be presented to the Hon. Dr. Lewis Condict for his excellent and appropriate address, and that he be requested to furnish a copy to be deposited in our archives.

The Committee respecting Canons or Rules of succession as to membership, not being ready to report in consequence of the death of Charles Ewing, Esqr., Resolved that A. O. Dayton, Esqr., be added to the Committee, and that they be requested to report.