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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

General Beatty, General Giles, General Rhea, Colonel A. Ogden, Major S. M. Shute, Major Ballard and Major Ford.

Delegates to the General Society

Dr. E. Boudinot, General Beatty, General Giles, Major Cox. General Cumming.

Hereditary Members

Two applications having been brought before the Standing Committee claiming the right of Membership as successors of Col. Oliver Spencer, deceased, they beg leave to report for the decision of the Society the following state of facts:

That by the death of Col. O. Spencer his right of being a member of this Society is claimed by Oliver Spencer, Esq., of the State of Ohio, who was the second and only surviving son of the said Col. Spencer; and by Dr. Oliver H. Spencer, of New Orleans, who is the only son of Robert Spencer, who was the eldest son of the said Col. Spencer, and which Robert died in the life-time of his father.

Resolved, that Dr. Oliver H. Spencer, being the only son of the eldest male descendant of Col. Oliver Spencer, deceased, is of right entitled to take his’ seat as a member of this Society and that a certificate with the Register be transmitted by the Secretary to the said Doctor Oliver Hatfield Spencer.


The Standing Committee reported that they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find that in consequence of the arrangements made by the Treasury Department he has had paid to him, the sum of $10,000, which constitutes the funds of the Society and which has been invested in six per cent, stock; and that he has reinvested the same in the following manner, viz. : $7,600 in the stock of the Masonic Loan bearing interest at six per cent, per annum ; $2,400 in the converted three per cent, stock of the United States at a like interest.

The Committee further report that since the last settlement the Treasurer has paid to the order of the Society the sum of $513.50, and that there remains a balance in his hands of $38.46 ; and there was due on the first of this month arising from interest on its funds the sum of $264.00; and that there will accrue to the Society on the first day of January next, the further sum in interest of $300; making a total sum of $602.46.

Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to advise the Treasurer to convert the funds of this Society in whole or in part into any other public stock, provided always that in no case they lessen the annual income under $600 per annum if it can be so done without diminishing the capital sum of $10,000. And in case of such advise, the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the same accordingly.


The Standing Committee beg leave to recommend that the following sums be disbursed for charitable purposes when the interest in the Treasurer’s hands will admit of the same. To Colonel W. T. Stout sixty dollars. To Mrs. R. Howell for herself and children ; placed in the hands of Genl. Rhea, sixty dollars. To Mrs. Elmer, for herself and children, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Giles, sixty dollars. To Mrs. Brooks, for herself and children, to be placed in the hands of Genl. Elmer, sixty dollars.

And that there be also placed in his hands, forty dollars, to be applied towards the education of the two youngest sons of the late Col. Buck.

And that forty dollars be placed in the hands of Genl. Rhea, for the use of Jacob Hyer. Recommendations were adopted.


The President laid before the Society the following report: Copies of the Constitution, By-Laws and Register of this Society have been transmitted to Thomas Henderson, Jabez Campfield, Ebenezer Stockton, Almarine Brooks, Joseph Burnet, successor of Ichabod Burnet; Gilbert Barton, successor of Wm. Barton ; John Buck, successor of Joseph Buck, and David H. Brearley, successor to David Brearley, conformably to the order of the Society made at the last anniversary meeting.

Of the 150 copies printed pursuant to the order of the Society, of 1808, Journals of the Society, page 149, 50 copies were bound according to the sample then exhibited and agreeably to the order of 1810, 20 copies more were bound, making copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

The four bound as samples in neat and plain binding and two copies used in the report and proof sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

So that there remains in sheets copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

of which the Society will direct the disposal.

There remains in the Cincinnati box the copies signed in the names of John Doughty and Edmond Thomas. No books have been prepared for John Hopper or Seth Bowen. There are twelve bound copies not stamped with any name, in the office of the subscriber, together with the said 74 copies in sheets.

It is submitted to the consideration of the Society the propriety of one of the bound copies being deposited in the library of the Congress of the United States, and a copy being presented to the Secretary of the Department of War, for the use of the Department.

Which report was read and ordered a second reading.

The Military attending for the purpose of escorting the Society, they together with the Corporation and Citizens of the place, walked in procession to the Presbyterian Church to attend the exercises appointed for the day, where, after a prayer and the reading of the Declaration of Independence, an oration was delivered by Genl. Cumming, who had been previously appointed to that duty. The exercises of the church being ended the Society returned in the same order of procession to the place of their sitting when, after exchanging congratulations with their fellow-citizens on the occasion of their meeting, they proceeded to business.

The report of the President relative to the disposition of the remaining books and unbound sheets of the printed Constitution and Register was read a second time and it was Resolved, that the whole remaining impressions as well unbound as bound, be placed in the hands of the Secretary to be by him carefully preserved, to the further order of the Society.