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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Delegates to the General Society

Colonel Frelinghuysen, Captain Dayton.

Hereditary Members

Resolved, That Captain Daniel Baldwin is of right entitled to be a member of this Society.

Application was made by Major Ledgard to become a member of this Society, and as it appears that he was a member of the State Society of New York, he was permitted to take his seat.

An application was made by Mr. Shephard Kollock to be received as a member of this Society, whereupon it was

Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee of Claims, and that they report at the next meeting of the Society.


There is due to the Hon. David Brearley, Esq., and Joseph Bloomfield, Esq., for their attendance at the meeting of the General Society in May last, the sum of $24 each, and there are sufficient monies in the hands of the Treasurer to discharge the same without any new assessment on the members. The Treasurer was directed to pay the same.

Resolved, That the Treasurer make report in what manner he has applied the money directed by this Society at their last meeting to be paid to the Secretary-General for the purpose of discharging certain debts incurred in France on account of the Society.

Resolved, That every member who has signed the institution be charged with one month’s pay.

Resolved, That every member be also charged with his proportion of the expenses assessed at each meeting.

On Motion, Resolved, That in consideration of the sufferings of Capt. Daniel Baldwin and his inability in consequence of such sufferings to attend at the different meetings of the Society, he be excused from paying any proportion of the expenses heretofore apportioned to the different members thereof.

Jan. 1 To cash recd. for interest as per endorsement on Sundry Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.56

June 30 To cash recd. of Col. Israel Shreve his proportion of expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00

July 4 To cash recd. of sundry members on acct. of expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44.60

Sept. 10 To cash recd. of Captain Jacob Piatt on acct. of expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00


July 4 By cash paid Col. Brearley and Major Bloomfield, their expenses attending the General Society in May last . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $48.00


Resolved, that the diplomas remaining on hand be deposited with the Treasurer and be by him filled up and delivered to the members who have not yet received them, on their paying their quota of all arrears due to the Society.

The Committee appointed to consider the letter from the members of the General Society made the following report:

I. That this State Society empower their delegates at the next general meeting to agree upon and finally to establish all such regulations as may be deemed necessary in the constitution of the Society.

II. That this Society do approve the conduct of their delegates who attended at Philadelphia in May last.

III. That the Treasurer make report in what manner he has applied the money directed by this Society at their last meeting to be paid to the Secretary General for the purpose of discharging certain debts incurred in France on account of the Society. The above report was agreed.

The said Committee also made the following report:

I. That every member who has signed the Institution be charged with a month’s pay.

II. That every such member be also charged with his proportion of the expenses assessed at each meeting.

III. That when a member certified to the Society that he has resided in another State, and attended as a member of the State Society of that State, he shall have credit for the sums charged against him during such residence and attendance there.

IV. That when a member who has signed the Institution in another State join the Society, he shall be charged with his proportion of the expenses assessed since the time of his having joined. Resolved, that the above report be agreed to.

Resolved, that Col. Brearley, Major Bloomfield and Mr. Hunter be a committee to revise and correct the minutes of this Society from its beginning to the present day, that after such revision and correction they shall be transcribed in a book to be prepared for that purpose by the Secretary.