President William Howard Taft, LLD
Born in Cincinnati, OH on 15 Sep 1857 and died in Washington, DC on 8 Mar 1930. Yale graduate 1878. Cincinnati Law School graduate 1880. Harvard LLD Degree 1905. Assistant Prosecutor of Hamilton County, OH 1881-1883. Collector of Internal Revenue 1882. Judge of the Superior Court of Cincinnati 1887-1890. Solicitor General of the United States 1890-1892. Judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, Sixth District 1892-1900. Chief Civil Administrator, Civil Governor of the Phillipines 1901-1904. Professor and Dean of the Law Department, University of Cincinnati 1896-1900. Justice of the Supreme Court of the US 1903. Supervised the building of the Panama Canal. Organized the relief of San Francisco after the earthquake of 1906. Secretary of War in 1904-1908 under President Roosevelt. Provisional Civil Governor of Cuba 1906-1907 during time of civil war. President of the United States 1909-1913. Yale University Professor of Law 1913-1921. President of the American Bar Association. During World War I he was President of the League to Enforce Peace and was a member of the National War Labor Board. Appointed by President Harding to be Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court 1921-1930. Named Larz Anderson to be the Ambassador to Belgium. The first President of the United States to throw out a baseball on “opening day” in 1910. Member of: the Skull and Bones at Yale, which was co-founded by his father; Phi Alpha Delta; Psi Upsilon and the Pilgrims. Member: Sons of the American Revolution. Buried in Arlington National Cemetery.Freemason and on the Charter Roll of Honor at the Washington Memorial. Married Helen Herron on 19 Jun 1886. She was instrumental in bringing Japanese cherry trees to Washington, DC in 1912. [Sources: ; (C); Find A Grave Memorial; Pilgrim Society Membership List. Pic: Find A Grave Memorial; ; ‘New York Herald’ 23 Feb 1910.]