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Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey

Standing Committee

Colonel Kinney, Robert L. Armstrong, Joseph W. Scott, Captain William Tuttle, Captain Cyrus Dehart, Robert H. Cumming, George C. Thomas.

Hereditary Members

Application having been made by The Rev. Philip C. Hay, the son of Col. Samuel Hay in right of his father; also, of Austin Anderson, son of the Lieut. James Anderson and of Richard L. Beatty, son of General John Beatty to be admitted to membership in the Society who are of full age and judged worthy. They were admitted.

Application also having been again made by William Shute in right of his deceased father, Enoch Shute, who was the brother and successor of Doctor Samuel Shute, deceased, and it appearing to the Committee that the other brothers of Doctor Shute decline any application for membership to the Society and the said William Shute being judged worthy and being of full age, he was admitted.


The Standing Committee report that the late Treasurer Gen. Beatty had received $628, which with the balance then on hand of $543.36, amounts to the sum of $1,271.36. The Treasurer expended during the last year the sum of $682.61, leaving a balance in the Treasury of $588.75, exclusive of all interest on the above certificate of United States stock.

They have examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find the permanent funds of the Society to consist of the sum of $10,000 in six per cent, stock of the United States.


The Standing Committee recommend that the following sums be appropriated for charitable purposes to Mary Hendry, widow of Capt. Samuel Hendry; Mrs. Seely, widow of the late Samuel Seely; Mrs. Armstrong, widow of the late Revd. Dr. Armstrong; Mrs. Brooks, widow of the late Almarine Brooks; Mrs. Whitlock, widow of the late Col. Ephraim Whitlock; and Mrs. Stout, widow of the late Col. Wessel T. Stout, $40 each. Recommendations adopted.


The President announced the death of the following members, to wit:

Genl. Giles, Col. Ephraim L. Whitlock, Genl. John Heard and Genl. John Beatty, late Treasurer of this Society.

Resolved, that in honor of the memory of our deceased brethren, the Society will wear mourning by a crape on the left arm for the space of thirty days.

Resolved, that a Committee of three persons be appointed to receive and open the Treasurer’s trunk and that Col. Kinney, William Hyer and Joseph W. Scott be the Committee.

The said Committee made the report as follows, viz:

1 Roll Diplomas, 25 in number.
1 Roll Diplomas, 33 in number.
20 Copies of Red Book.
20 Copies of Red Book.
18 Copies of Red Book.
20 Copies of Red Book.
Certificate of 6 per cent. stock of the United States, No. 2,651, for $10,000.
1 Book of Treasurers’ accounts, posted.
1 Book of Treasurers’ accounts, not posted.

Sundry accounts, vouchers and documents, abstracts of which are entered in the books. Another bundle of the same. Which report was accepted.

The Military attending, the Society together with the Citizens, walked in procession to the Presbyterian Church, to attend the exercises appointed for the day, when, after a prayer by the Revd. Mr. Smith, and the reading of the Declaration of Independence by J. W. Scott, Esqr., an oration was delivered by Robt. L. Armstrong, Esqr., who had been previously appointed for that purpose.

The exercises of the church being ended, the Society returned in the same order of procession to the place of their meeting and proceeded to business.

Resolved, that the thanks of this Society be presented to Robert L. Armstrong, Esqr., for the eloquent and very appropriate oration and that he be requested to deliver a copy of the same to the Secretary, that it may be placed among the archives.

Resolved, that a Committee be appointed to continue the record of the Book of By-Laws and Rules of this State Society, by stating the deaths, removals and admission of members up to the present time, and that Joseph Ellis Bloomfield and the Secretary be a Committee for that purpose.

The Committee appointed at the last meeting to attend the General Society of the Cincinnati at Philadelphia made a verbal communication; ordered, that they be continued and report thereon at the next meeting.

The Committee appointed on a Communication from a Committee of the surviving Revolutionary officers of the State of Massachusetts, which was laid before the Society at the last meeting, made a report in writing by way of letter (accompanied with a statement of the case of the surviving officers of the Revolution, who continued in service to the end of the war).

Which, being read, was approved, and on motion Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be given to the said Committee, and that the said Committee be continued.