Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey
Standing Committee
Captain Tuttle, Colonel Scott, Mr. Cumming, Mr. Reckless, Mr. Stout, Mr. Heyer, Mr. Elmer.
Delegates to the General Society
Colonel Ogden, Colonel Scott, Colonel Armstrong.
Honorary Members
Resolved, That William Pennington, Esq., son of Mr. Wm. S. Pennington be admitted an Honorary Member of this Society for life. He was admitted.
The Standing Committee reported that they had examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find the permanent funds of the Society to be the same as the last year reported. That the Treasurer paid out of the monies by him received for the expenses of last year as follows : For the traveling expenses of the members to the meeting at Trenton, 1830, $116; for the expenses of the Society at said meeting, $92.78, and for the donations to the widows and others, $295. In this last mentioned sum is included $100 to Mrs. M. Barber, $30 to Col. Kollock ordered the year previous, but not before paid.
After the above disbursements, there remained in the hands of the Treasurer, $77.47. The Treasurer has since received the interest on the permanent fund for one year up to the first April last inclusive, amounting to $454.54, making together, $532.01, now in the hands of the Treasurer.
The Standing Committee recommend that the following sums be appropriated to Mrs. Seely, widow of Saml. C. Seely ; Mrs. Hendry, widow of Capt. Saml. Hendry; Mrs. Hay, widow of Col. Saml. Hay; Mrs. Armstrong, widow of Revd. Mr. Armstrong; Mrs. Stout, widow of Col. Stout; Mrs. Barber, widow of Geo. C. Barber; and Mrs. Brooks, widow of Major Brooks, $25 each.
The Standing Committee recommended to the Society to give an equal sum to each of the applicants for their charity and benevolence. They know of no measure by which they can discriminate with delicacy and propriety among them who are the relicts or the children of their deceased brethern and the members of this Society. They take it for granted that none have applied or will apply, but such as feel the pressure of want, and they shrink from the investigation into the comparative extent of their wants.
The names of Majors Kinney and Kollock having been struck from the list of applicants in the report, it was Resolved, that a special donation of $25 be allowed to Majors Kinney and Kollock each. Resolved, that the Treasurer be directed to pay to Mrs. Barber out of any monies in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $25, a special donation as a small testimony of our respect for her worth and our sympathy with her bereavement. Recommendations adopted.
The Society and Citizens walked in procession to the Third Presbyterian Church, when, after a prayer by the Revd. Mr. Dickinson and the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Wm. Pennington, Esqr., an address was delivered by Genl. Wall, who had been previously appointed by the Society, the exercises in the church being ended, the Society returned in the same order of procession to the Mansion House Hotel, and proceeded to business.
Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be presented to Genl. Wall, orator of the day for his instructive address, and, he be requested to present to the Secretary a copy of his oration to be deposited in the archives of the Society.
Resolved, that a Committee be appointed by the President to report to the Society at their next meeting canons or rules of succession as to membership.