Colonel Ephraim Martin
Began his service in the Revolutionary War by raising a regiment of militia in Jul 1775, which became the 2nd Regiment. Appointed Colonel 25 Jul 1775. Commanded his regiment during the Battle of Long Island, where he was wounded in the breast by a musket ball and invalided home on 27 Aug 1776. Commanded the Regiment during the Battles of Punk Hill (Amboy) 8 Mar 1777; Short Hills 27 Jun 1771; Brandywine, where he was wounded in the forehead by a musket ball; Germantown 4 Oct 1777 and Monmouth 28 Jun 1778. Colonel in the 4th Regiment New Jersey Line. Served at Valley Forge. Deranged on 1 Jan 1777. Born near Basking Ridge, NJ on 13 Sep 1733 and died in New Brunswick, NJ on 28 Feb 1806. Coroner of Sussex County, NJ 1774. Member of the Provincial Council in New Jersey in 1775- 1776 and the Governor’s Council in New Jersey 1779-1800. Worked in the committee of the New Jersey Legislature to ratify the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Subsequently New Jersey was the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights. Surveyor of the Western Territory of the United States in 1786. Owner of the Kennedy-Martin-Stelle farmstead in Bernard’s Township, NJ from 1778-1795. Married 1st to Martha; 2nd to Keziah Carmen and 3rd to Catherine Wall Green Stelle. [Sources: M; H; Friends of the Kennedy-Martin-Stelle Farmstead; Find A Grave Memorial.]