Meetings of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey
Standing Committee
Messrs. Elmer, Lloyd, Reckless, Ogden, Barber, McDowell and J. A. Pennington.
Delegates to the General Society
Colonel Scott, Messrs. Thomas and Spencer.
The Standing Committees report that they have inspected the certificate for the loan of the United States, in which the funds of the Society are invested and that they find the same safe in the hands of the Treasurer. They have also examined the Treasurer’s accounts which they find to be correct; and by which it appears that there is now in the hands of the Treasurer subject to the order of this Society the sum of $645.23.
They report that the accounts of the Treasurer are as follows: He is charged with one year’s interest on the loan amounting to the sum of $600, together with the sum of $45.45. the balance remaining in the hands of Treasurer upon the accounts of the fifth of July, 1846.
The following disbursements were made by the Treasurer:
Amounts paid by the Treasurer :
For donations
” dinners
” traveling expenses
” donations to citizens
” crapes
The balance now in the hands of the Treasurer therefore is $45.23, which with the interest upon the United States Loan makes the sum of $645.23.
The Committee recommend that there be paid to R. H. Cumming the sum of $2.10 for crape paid by him in 1846, and which has never been paid to him, and also the sum of $3.15 for crape purchased at this meeting and at the funeral of Capt. De Hart, and to George C. Thomas, the sum of $5 for ribbons purchased by him for badges. And it is further advised that the sum of $2 be paid for the traveling expenses of the Orator and his wife.
The Standing Committee recommend that the following persons receive $23, and that the name of Elvia be substituted for Ann Reckless, now deceased, and that Jane Butler, granddaughter of Capt. Cyrus De Hart, is also recommended by the Committee to receive a like sum.
Miss Thomas, William Whitlock, Miss Stout, Miss Sprouls, Miss Elvia Reckless. Miss Ogden, Mrs. Barber, Miss De Hart, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Hyer, Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Patton, Mrs. Bayard, and Miss Butler. Wm. V. Hurd $15, and A. F. Walker $10. Recommendations adopted.
The President announced to the Society the death of Capt. William C. DeHart, late Vice-President of the Society, whereupon it was Resolved that the usual badge of mourning be worn for thirty days. The Society walked in procession to the First Presbyterian Church, where the services of the occasion were opened with a prayer by the Revd. Luther Halsey, Declaration of Independence was read by Governor Pennington, and the oration was delivered by the Revd. Dr. Davidson. The services being ended, the Society returned to their place of meeting and proceeded to business.
Resolved, that the thanks of the Society be given to Revd. Dr. Davison for his oration delivered this day, so appropriate to our circumstances and so grateful to our recollections of the piety and valor of the soldiers of the Revolution and that he be requested, Providence permitting, to repeat the same before the Society at Trenton on the 4th July next.
Resolved, that the Standing Committee, together with the Treasurer and Secretary, meet on the evenings of the 3d July, except on Sundays, for the purpose of preparing their report.
Resolved, that our future meetings be held at such places as the Society may select.
Resolved, that the President be requested to invite the members of the Pennsylvania Society to unite with us in the celebration of our next anniversary.