Generals Elmer, Giles, J. Dayton, Colonels Ogden, Kinney, Captain De Hart, Captain Tuttle.
Applications to be admitted to membership having been made in writing by Robert H. Cumming in right of his father General John N. Cumming; by Lewis Dunham in right of his father. Doctor Lewis Dunham; by Charles Beatty in right of his father. Col. E. Beatty and by Theophilus M. Elmer in right of his father, Eli Elmer. They were admitted. Dr. William Campfield was admitted in right of his father, Dr. Jabez Campfield.
The Standing Committee report that they have examined the accounts of the late Treasurer as exhibited by Gen. John Beatty, and find the permanent funds of this Society to consist of the sum of $10,000 in six per cent, stock of the United States.
The Committee further report that by means of the death of Col. Beatty, the Treasurer since the last meeting they have passed upon his accounts, and find that there was a balance In his hands on the 4th July, 1822 of $761.29, inclusive of $150, a quarters interest, due on that date, and that he has expended the sum of $666.29, leaving a balance due of $95. This balance, together with three quarters interest due on the funds of the Society, amount to $545 are now in the hands of Gen. J. Beatty, and ready to be paid over to the order of the Society; and that there was due on the first instant another quarters interest of $150, making the sum of $695, now at the disposal of the Society.
The Standing Committee recommend that the following sums be appropriated for charitable purposes to Mrs. Armstrong, widow of the Revd. Mr. Armstrong, $50. Mrs. Stout, widow of the late Wessel T. Stout, the sum of $50. Mrs. Seely, widow of the late Samuel Seely, $50. Miss Baldwin, daughter of the late Captain Daniel Baldwin, $30. That $50 be appropriated for the use of Major Brooks and family, and to remain in the hands of the Treasurer until it is ascertained whether he be restored to the pension list, and if so, that the appropriation be rescinded; and if the appropriations to be made, that the money be paid for their use to Genl. Elmer. The recommendations were adopted.
The President announced the death of Genl. Ercuries Beatty, late Treasurer of this Society and the Revd. Andrew Hunter. Whereupon Resolved, that in honor of the memory of our deceased friends and brethern, the usual badge of mourning by a crape round the left arm be worn by the members for the space of thirty days.
The Military attending for the purpose of escorting the Society, they, together with the Citizens, walked in procession to the First Presbyterian Church where, after a prayer by the Revd. Dr. McDowell and the reading of the Declaration of Independence by the Secretary, an oration was delivered by Major Peter Kean, who had been selected for that purpose.
The exercises of the church being ended, the Society returned in the same order of procession to the place of their sitting and proceeded to business.
Resolved unanimously, that the thanks of this Society be given to Major Kean for the very eloquent and truly patriotic oration publicly delivered by him this day in the presence of a very large and respectable assembly of the public authorities. Citizens and Military of this Borough and its vicinity, convened on an occasion so deeply interesting to the whole American people.
Resolved, that the very pathetic and affecting elogium bestowed by him in his address upon the surviving members, and in an especial manner upon our departed brethern of the Cincinnati, be held in most grateful remembrance by the Society, and that our just sense thereof be manifested by the entry of these resolutions upon our Journals, and by requesting the President to cause a copy thereof, under his signature, to be addressed or delivered to Major Kean by the Secretary, accompanied with a request that he would furnish a copy of the same to be deposited in the archives of the Society.
Applications having been made by Captain Cyrus DeHart, Major James Heard and Theophilus M. Elmer for each a copy of The Constitution and Bye-Laws of this Society; Resolved, that they be delivered to them by the Secretary. (Books delivered).
Resolved, that in future the Secretary be authorized on application made to him, to deliver to such members as may apply, a copy of the Constitution and Bye Laws of this Society, provided he shall be satisfied that a copy has not before been delivered to the applicant, or to any person through whom he derived his right to membership.
The Secretary reported: that, pursuant to the order of the Society, passed at the last meeting, he obtained from the cashier of the State Bank at Elizabeth, the blank diplomas which had been deposited there for safe keeping, and transmitted them to Genl. Beatty, by whom he is informed that they were received and deposited by him in the Trenton Bank. And that the unbound books of the Constitution, Bye-Laws and Register of this Society be left at Trenton with Col. Beatty, which Genl. Beatty also acknowledges to have received and deposited agreeably to the order of the Society.
Genl. Bloomfield informed the Society that he has transmitted to Isaac Cox Barnet, a diploma in the name of William Barnet and also a copy of the Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Society, and that Isaac Cox Barnet has remitted the amount required by the resolution of the 4th of July, 1822, and which he is ready to pay to the Treasurer.