Brevet Captain Benajah Osmun
Began his service in the Revolutionary War as 2nd Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster in the 2nd Regiment New Jersey Line 1 Jan 1777. 2nd Lieutenant 12 Sep 1778. Taken prisoner at Charleston 24 Apr 1780. 1st Lieutenant 1 Jan 1781. Brevet Captain. Served to Apr 1783. Born in Hunterdon County, NJ and died in Natchez, MA in 1815. The date of birth is unknown. After the Revolution he served with General William Claiborne in 1802. Colonel in the New Jersey Militia. [Sources: M; H; (66); (98); (C);]
Benajah Osmun is currently unrepresented in the Society of the Cincinnati. Eligible descendants are encouraged to make inquiry regarding membership.