Ensign Almarin Brooks
Began his service in the Revolutionary War as Private in the 2nd Regiment NJ Line in 1775. Sergeant on 9 Feb 1777. Wounded at the Battles of Short Hills and Germantown. Ensign in the 2nd Regiment NJ Line on 17 May 1780. Retained and last served in Cumming’s New Jersey Continental Battalion in Apr 1783. Served to 3 Nov 1783. Born in Cumberland County, NJ on 7 Sep 1756 and died in Bridgeton, NJ on 25 Jan 1824. Went on the expedition to Canada under General Maxwell. After the war he remained in the US Army and Major 1st Regiment of Detailed Militia in the Whiskey Rebellion in 1793 and 1794. In 1798 was a Captain in one of the Additional Regiments raised under the threat of war with France. Captain of the 11th US Infantry 1799-1800. Major in the New Jersey Militia. Married Sarah Champneys. [Sources: M; H; (66); (98); (C); Rootsweb’s World Connect Project.]
Almarin Brooks is currently unrepresented in the Society of the Cincinnati. Eligible descendants are encouraged to make inquiry regarding membership.